Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2019!
Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2019! So Whats Next Right? College and High School graduates are entering the workforce during some interesting times for the economy as well as an unprecedented Presidential Administration. Life after College, can be uncertain for many graduates who have no idea what they want to do with the rest of their lives. It's just too much to think about too soon. As the cost of living increases with each coming year it becomes ever more important for candidates to secure stable employment with good benefits.
As everyone rushes to get their resume completed in hopes of getting a job at the next big Start Up company, some graduates quickly begin to realize that they might not necessarily meet all the requirements to nail down a job interview. With the Tech World constantly advancing with exponential opportunities. Companies like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Google, Yahoo, Slack, DropBox, ThoughtWorks, and much more are investing in recruiters to take on the challenge of filling these open positions. This creates a unique opportunity for graduates to have access to filling some of these roles. The question is how many roles will actually be filled by these graduates? Do they actually have the right skills to match the available positions or will they fall into the dreaded Skills Gap equation. Some graduates are resolving to engage and impress companies and recruiters through some new methods on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter. So whats a graduate to do?
At Circle of Opportunities we advise graduates to consider how their public image might impact their job search. Learn how to create a professional image that would easily attract recruiters and employers alike. Recent grads can learn to improve their job readiness skills, interviewing techniques, speech, body language, image and more through the help of a Career Coach. Coaching provides candidates with an opportunity to complete an assessment of their skills to explore areas where they might be weak or lacking and in need of some improvement. Receive daily inspiration, motivation and access to new opportunities that they might not have otherwise considered. Candidates can work with a coach for a month to several years over the span of their entire career. This can take some of the stress and pressure off candidates feeling that they have to produce results within a certain time frame of graduating and outdo all of their former classmates. Success is perhaps the number one goal of every graduate so honing in on that momentum and energy will be vital to their level of productivity.
Book now and Sign up for the New Professional Career Package to start your career journey on the right foot with help from an Executive Career Coach. Find out more information about how to connect to a Career or Life Coach at